XXX Zone
The research is an analysis of spatial design dedicated to legal prostitution services in the context of regulated and not regulated policies. The research want to analyse and classify the topic of prostitution under the characteristics common to buildings and urban spaces to be able to define typologies.
Elements like: urban planning, time schedule, spatial design elements, signs, economics and social values of the phenomenon in Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Zurich made possible to understand which factors could be implemented in Rimini. The Italian City experiences street prostitution as not regulated and problematic.
Findings are organised into the Intentional Development Manifesto, showing possible scenarios. The cross link between design and context come together resulting in designs for prostitution zones, named in the research as XXX Zone.
The research of spaces of prostitution fulfil a designer’s urge to discuss real-life events, where the goal is to create an open dialogue in which cultures show their way to deal with prostitution.
Discussion XXX Zone